La Strada-Tipp: Henrik Sande | Albert Pall

a waiting - song play with music


So waiting. Most people agree that waiting is pointless. If, for example, we wait for people for whom being late is practically in their blood, we get annoyed at the fact that they virtually walk off with our time. Or, we have an appointment at the healthcare centre at half past ten and then get stuck in the waiting room in the loop of people who need care. Like at the customer service desk of the urgently needed expert company. Or at the bus stop, at the traffic lights, at the station, at the airport. Everything impedes our urgent progress. Therefore, waiting is time wasted. Or the expression, defined in units of time, of the degree of disorganisation in our society. Because, what could we not have done, or even done, in the time wasted waiting? Meaningful things, that is. But waiting is meaningless.
But what if waiting becomes the thing to be done? Especially when we don't know how long it will take? For example, when we have already died, but are not yet dead? Do we then wait in the comforting certainty that everything is over anyway, eagerly awaiting what is still to come? Is there anything more to come? Indeed, if we have to wait, do we have time? "a waiting - song play with music" deals with pressing themes of personal life and our time in this in-between space in a furious song of contention between world-ending tearfulness and an indomitable hope for a wonderful future.

A project at La Strada 2023.

Dates and information

Volkshaus Graz, Großer Saal (Maria Cäsar Saal): 10/8/2023 (UA), 11/8/2023, 12/8/2023 / 7.30 pm
Length: 90'


EIN (Mezzo-soprano): Annette Schönmüller
EINER (Tenor): Adrián Berthely

Orchester: Schallfeld Ensemble with
Elisa Azzarà (Flute)
Szilard Benes (Clarinet)
Diego García Pliego (Saxophone)
Manuel Alcaraz Clemente (Percussion)
Mirko Jevtović (Accordion)
Lorenzo Derinni (Violin)
Myriam García Fidalgo (Violoncello)
Juan Pablo Trad Hasbun (Double bass)

Composition and Musical Director: Henrik Sande
Text and Production: Albert Pall
Technical Director: Lorenz Meiler

La Strada

26. Juli - 4. August 2024

Opernring 12 / A-8010 Graz

Telefon: +43 316 26 97 89

INFORMATIONEN: +43 316 26 97 89


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