Overture 4 - Geology

26 September 2021

Poetic-musical journey into an unknown land: circular hike from the Gjaid Alm to the Eisseen lakes and back. At ten stations Susanne Posegga read from her texts and invited to philosophical discourses about the value of nature. Manfred Rußmann made the landscape resound with his jaw harps from all over the world, and geologist Ingomar Fritz took us back to early times in the history of the earth. Sensual, dreamy, passionate - full of love and enthusiasm for this landscape.

Obertraun – Gjaidalm – Taubenkar – Unterer Eissee – back via the Trägerweg.

Accompanied by: Ingomar Fritz, Geologist and paleontologist, Universalmuseum Joanneum / Susanne Posegga, writer, photograper & tour guide / Manfred Rußmann, musician

La Strada

26. Juli - 4. August 2024

Opernring 12 / A-8010 Graz

Telefon: +43 316 26 97 89

INFORMATIONEN: +43 316 26 97 89


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