The Landscape Opera

A landscape opera at the summer solstice | 20 June 2021

At 2,995 meters, the Dachstein is the highest mountain in the provinces of Styria and Upper Austria. And its glaciers will not disappear sometime in the distant future, but within the lifetime of our children. For these glaciers, a very special opera has been composed, the sounds of which resonated deep into this unique archive of cultural and natural history. A unique event for the opening of La Strada 2021. At the summer solstice. At sunrise.

Artists involved in the landscape opera

Composition : Rob von Rijswijk & Jeroen Strijbos
Dramaturgy: Jellichje Reijnders
Sopranos: Bauwien van der Meer, Els Mondelaers, Michaela Riener, Linde Schinkel, Mijke Sekhuis, Isabelle Storms
Alphorn players: Horst Martin Krammer, Reinhard Freidl, Stefan Klinglhuber

Based on an overarching concept by

Werner Schrempf, La Strada Graz

La Strada

26. Juli - 4. August 2024

Opernring 12 / A-8010 Graz

Telefon: +43 316 26 97 89

INFORMATIONEN: +43 316 26 97 89


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